St. Elizabeth’s Guild

St. Elizabeth’s Guild has and continues to support the many needs and the well-being of various children’s programs serviced by Catholic Charities of New Orleans. Currently, we serve Padua House( a residential program for those with intellectual disabilities who are medically fragile), St. John the Baptist Head Start (development program for preschoolers 3 to 5 years of age), and Therapeutic Family Services (matches children with behavioral or developmental problems, or medically fragile children with families who provide specialized foster care). St. Elizabeth’s Guild has been caring for the children of Catholic Charities since the 1950’s.



Join us for the St. Elizabeth’s Guild 51st Volunteer Activists Awards Luncheon

This event will be held on Friday, March 10, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans


Photo below from our 2022 luncheon with Sister Marjorie Hebert M.S.C. and Peter Finney

At their January 2017 general meeting, St. Elizabeth’s Guild generously donated $101,000 in support of five Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans programs!

They also supported Catholic Charities through various events in 2016:

Check Presentation During their January General Meeting

The Guild donated the proceeds of their 2015 luncheon, $99,250, to their Catholic Charities programs!

SEG - Check Presentation

Head Start Mardi Gras Parade

A fun-filled morning of New Orleans-style costumes and parading for our Head Start students!


Head Start Spring Treasure Hunt

Students at St. John the Baptist Head Start searched the playground for shapes, candy, prizes and more!


2016 Youth Conference & NYTD (National Youth in Transition Database) Reunion

The youth and former graduates of Independent Living Skills Program enjoyed a day filled with games, guest speakers, and networking hosted and sponsored by the Guild!



Additionally, St. Elizabeth’s Guild’s annual Volunteer Activist Luncheon honors ten outstanding community leaders while raising funds for the Catholic Charities programs they support.




To become a member, click here to visit the St. Elizabeth’s Guild website!