We help create a just society by welcoming the most vulnerable among us, walking beside them and working to meet their needs.
Services for All
We help our neighbors meet immediate needs and long-term challenges.

Children & Family Services
Early childhood education, maternity care, adoption services, domestic violence survivor support, family therapy, and more.

Health & Behavioral Health Services
Counseling services, specialized residential care, help navigating the health-care system, emergency grants, and more.

Housing & Homelessness
Permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, case management, counseling, and more.

Immigration & Refugee Services
Legal representation, counseling, refugee resettlement, ESL learning, citizenship classes, and more.

Justice & Employment
Social advocacy and re-entry programs, workforce development, and family support for the formerly incarcerated.

Adult day care, food distribution, comprehensive health care, foster grandparenting, and more.

Disaster Response
Case management, crisis counseling, food assistance, hygiene kits, and more.

Take Action
We empower our neighbors with our time, skills, resources, and voices.
Give Money
Help create a more just society. 94% of every dollar given goes to services that assist the most vulnerable people in our community.
Give Time
Walk beside your neighbors. There are programs for volunteers of all ages, backgrounds, and skills.
Take Action
We empower our neighbors with our time, skills, resources, and voices.

Give Money
Help create more just society. 95% of every dollar given goes to services that assist the most vulnerable people in our community.
Give Time
Walk beside your neighbors. There are programs for volunteers of all ages, backgrounds, and skills.
Sign Up for Our Newsletter
For justice news, community updates, and service opportunities, subscribe to CCANO’s e-newsletter.