Matthew 25:35-36

“‘…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'”

SERVE (Students Engaging in Reflective Volunteer Experiences)

Since 2009, SERVE has worked with over 950 high school students, leveraging more than 33,400 volunteer hours in our community to impact the lives of others. Students engage in meaningful work with other high school students over the summer to earn required service hours.

Thank you to all of our 2024 SERVE Volunteers!

Check back for information on SERVE 2025.

Click here for more information on signing up.

Students will work directly with elderly participants at our PACE centers assisting with activities, lunch, and more. Catholic Social Teaching, as it relates to the elderly, will be incorporated into the week with time for personal and group reflection.

For information not available on this page please contact Christine Foy Jackson at [email protected]
or 504-310-6960.

Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO) has been an open door, a warm welcome, dry ground, a defending voice, and a hand up for generations of Louisiana residents. Our shared stories and strong roots help a diverse community stand tall together. Meeting the needs of the whole person is our continued commitment. Here’s what sets CCANO apart:


Our Catholic identity guides our values and practices and fuels our motivation to love our city well. Our staff and volunteers come from diverse backgrounds but all share the Catholic commitment to serve everyone, regardless of religion.


Our responsible stewardship of resources sets us apart. Ninety-five percent of all donations go directly to the needs of the people we serve. We believe in transparency. View copies of our most recent audited financials and 990 form and contact us with any questions.


Our holistic approach to programming serves the entire community and meets the full range of human needs. CCANO currently encompasses 29 different programs and one affiliated ministry that cover housing and homelessness, immigration and refugee services, children and family services, health and behavioral health services, justice and employment services, senior services, and disaster response services.


Our long history in New Orleans gives us deep structural knowledge and a rich network for doing good. The Ursuline nuns began serving the needy in the New Orleans area in 1727. In 1938, Associated Catholic Charities incorporated to coordinate the Archdiocese’s many service agencies. Renamed Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans in 1996, CCANO is now one of the largest and most active Catholic Charities agencies in the country.

Our Staff

CCANO is guided by leadership staff and a board of directors.


Take Action

Help meet our neighbors’ immediate needs and long-term challenges.


Stay On Mission

For justice news, community updates, and service opportunities, subscribe to CCANO’s e-newsletter.