CCANO Press CCANO Continues Hurricane Isaac Relief Efforts, Formulating Long-Term Response The efforts of CCANO volunteers after gutting a home flooded by Hurricane Isaac in LaPlace…atoujasSeptember 12, 2012
CCANO Press CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Isaac Relief Day of Service in LaPlace 9/15 Published on September 11, 2012 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans will host a day…atoujasSeptember 11, 2012
CCANO Press Volunteers Answer the Call for Hurricane Isaac Relief Published on September 10, 2012 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans extends its heartfelt thanks…atoujasSeptember 10, 2012
CCANO Press CCANO Helps Organizes Volunteer Day for Hurricane Isaac Recovery CCANO Volunteers distributing food and supplies in the wake of Isaac in Ascension of Our…atoujasSeptember 7, 2012
CCANO Press Hurricane Isaac Relief Resources CCANO case managers in the field assisting those affected by Hurricane Isaac Published on September…atoujasSeptember 6, 2012
CCANO Press Crisis Counselors and Case Managers in Action in Wake of Isaac Published on September 5, 2012 Catholic Charities crisis counselors and case managers have fanned out…atoujasSeptember 5, 2012
CCANO Press CCANO Gears Up to Provide Hurricane Relief Published on September 4, 2012 In the words of Archbishop Gregory Aymond, the Catholic Church,…atoujasSeptember 4, 2012
CCANO Press VOLUNTEERS needed for Isaac Relief/Recovery Efforts Published on September 4, 2012 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans continues its mission of…atoujasSeptember 4, 2012
CCANO Press CCANO and Archbishop Visit Hard-Hit Isaac Areas Published on September 3, 2012 Thursday-Saturday, August 30-September 1, 2012, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New…atoujasSeptember 3, 2012
CCANO Press Catholic Charities Launches Hurricane Isaac Relief Work Published on August 30, 2012 A prayer from Archbishop Gregory Aymond Lord God, you promise…atoujasAugust 30, 2012