Published on August 29, 2013
A message from Archbishop Gregory Aymond
Eight years ago today, our city and our region was forever changed as Katrina’s flood waters poured into our streets and our homes. Then, last year as things had seemed to somewhat settle into a new normal, Hurricane Isaac sent more water into our communities with devastating effects. To those still experiencing the pains of rebirth, especially from Isaac, our affectionate prayers are with you. Some might say we are a region condemned by our location, but my experience is that these flood waters have given birth to new life and a new sense of pride in our city and this region we call home.
The people of the Archdiocese of New Orleans are truly a people of hope. The last ten years have been difficult: from Katrina to Gustav and Ike to Isaac and an oil spill in between, but the people, the families, in the communities most impacted should serve as an inspiration to many. Their resilience and their determination to never give up hope is a lesson for those that come after us.
I like to think this determination and this spirit of hope and generosity is born out of the strong faith and family values of the people in our region. We are blessed to live here where people help and support one another and where family is still treasured as one’s most valuable possession.
The storms we have endured have made us realize what is most important: God, faith, family and friends. These waters that seemed so destructive have given us the opportunity to renew ourselves, much like the waters of Baptism. I pray we are never faced with such destruction and suffering again, but I know God is faithful. The people of New Orleans are proof of that.