By May 17, 2013December 23rd, 2022No Comments

Help Lines with VIA LINK

Published on May 17, 2013

Looking for help? Want to know what community resources might be available to you? Need information? VIA LINK provides informational lines, crisis and suicide counseling and connects people to community resources, including resources available through Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. VIA LINK currently serves the Greater New Orleans area and surrounding parishes including Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles St. Helena, St. John, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and Washington. VIA LINK 2-1-1 call center counselors are available 24 hours a day to provide crisis counseling and information and referral to programs to help with needs such as food, shelter, medical care, financial assistants, counseling programs, substance abuse treatment, childcare, etc. Here are some helpful phone numbers from VIA LINK and of course, you can always call the Catholic Charities Care line toll free (866) 891-2210.

Dial 2-1-1: Health and Human Services, including crisis and suicide counseling  information and referrals

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Counselors provide suicide prevention for local callers to 1-800-273 TALK and 1-800-SUICIDE

Dial 3-1-1: City and Municipal Services

Dial 4-1-1: Directory Assistance or 800-FREE-4-1-1 toll free

Dial 5-1-1: Traffic Information (traffic jams/evacuation info)

Dial 6-1-1: Telephone Repair Line (cell or landline)

Dial 7-1-1: TDD/TTY for the hard of hearing or deaf

Dial 8-1-1: “Miss Dig” line (to avoid cables/wires when digging)

Dial 9-1-1: Emergency Services

For more information on VIA LINK resources and services visit their website.