Published on July 3, 2013
Food Box Distribution at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Moved to UNO Lakefront Arena for July 10-12
Due to continued road construction on St. Bernard Avenue, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO) Food for Families/Food for Seniors food box distribution normally held at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on St. Bernard Avenue will once again be moved to UNO Lakefront Arena’s north side parking lot for the month of July. Food boxes will be distributed Wednesday July 10, Thursday July 11 and Friday July 12 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Registered participants in the program are advised to enter the UNO Lakefront Arena parking lot from the Franklin Avenue side at 6801 Franklin Avenue. Clients with questions can call (504) 241-4181.
Food for Families/Food for Seniors serves low-income seniors 60 years and older and mothers with children under six years of age who are not receiving WIC. Each month, the program holds food box distributions throughout 64 Louisiana parishes, with more than 40 sites in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. The nutritional food boxes include non-perishable goods and healthy food staples. The program is continually accepting new registrants at all distribution sites. Those interested can call toll free (800) 522-3333 for information on registration and site distributions or they can download the pre-qualification form at (click on Food & Nutirition, under the Programs menu).
Food for Families/Food for Seniors distributed 811,000 boxes of commodities in all 64 Louisiana parishes in 2012. In addition to providing monthly food boxes, the program also educates clients about healthy eating by providing nutritional information, easy to make recipes and tips to stretch food dollars while maintaining a healthy diet.
Food for Families, Louisiana’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), is an equal opportunity program of the US Department of Agriculture and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals in collaboration with Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. USDA—AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER AND EMPLOYER.