By January 27, 2017December 23rd, 2022No Comments

Statement from Sr. Marjorie Hebert Regarding Immigration

January 27, 2017

Pope Francis has urged us not to close the door on migrants and refugees. We in Catholic Charities believe we must pray and work for justice that respects the dignity of the human person and families while providing for the security of our communities. We stand with our Holy Father and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) as we seek to move from attitudes of defensiveness and fear towards acceptance and compassion so that we may answer the Gospel call to, “welcome the stranger.”

Providing for those who are most vulnerable is at the core of our Catholic identity and faith. Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans will continue to serve refugees, immigrants and their families with compassionate care that respects the dignity of each person. As the Catholic Church, we will continue to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform that provides real solutions to those already in our country and for those seeking a better life in our country.

Please join us in praying for all those who find themselves “a stranger in a foreign land” and that we may be able to be welcoming communities of faith and hope. Be assured of our prayers for our nation and our elected officials as we continue to work towards peace and justice in our communities, our nation and in our world.