Published on April 28, 2015
A message from Sr. Marjorie:
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities,
Please remember, Tuesday, May 5th is GiveNOLA day! This year, funds raised on this city-wide day of giving will support the 440 children enrolled in our five Head Start sites throughout the Greater New Orleans area! Our goal is to raise $25,000 for the children and families of Head Start on this one day to give as one!
Because of YOU, Head Start will be able to prepare young children for a lifetime of learning by providing them with health and social services, nutrition and early childhood education that promotes their emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development. Families will also receive supportive services that help enhance their social and economic self-sufficiency and strengthen their family unity.
On May 5th, your gift starting at just $10 will go even further with an additional special challenge grant from the St. Elizabeth’s Guild and “lagniappe” dollars provided by the Greater New Orleans Foundation!
So, please put a reminder on your calendar to give on May 5th and add a bookmark for Catholic Charities’ GiveNOLA Day page! See you on May 5th, as we get a “Head Start” on GiveNOLA Day!
God Bless You!
Sr. Marjorie Hebert, M.S.C.
President and CEO, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans