By September 26, 2012December 23rd, 2022No Comments

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Isaac Relief Service Day 9/29

Published on September 26, 2012

Calling volunteers ages 18 and up! Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans is organizing another volunteer day of service for Hurricane Isaac Relief. Volunteers are needed to assist residents in LaPlace with house gutting, debris removal and more. See below for details and a link to SIGN UP!

CCANO Volunteers help gut a LaPlace home during a recent Day of Service

Volunteer Day of Service in LaPlace

Where: St. Joan of Arc, 529 West 5th Street, LaPlace

When: Saturday, Sept. 29

Time: Arrive at church 9 am – Return to church 3pm

What: Work in small teams on storm-related projects.  In the homes of parishioners and others in need of assistance. Some activities may include packing belongings, cleaning flooded homes, gutting houses and helping to remove water damaged items from the home.

Who: Adults 18 years of age and older.

Dress: Volunteers are asked to wear solid closed-toe shoes and long pants and bring sunscreen.

Provided: N-95 respirators, work gloves, safety glasses and water will be provided.

Bring own lunch/snack if desired.

Please Note—-These homes are flood damaged; therefore, those with mold sensitivities or respiratory problems may want to refrain from this volunteer opportunity.

To confirm your volunteer participation. Sign-up on-line: