Stories of Hope Navigating a Path to Self-Sufficiency: Health Guardians Michael Francis dribbles a basketball across a freshly painted court at Ciara Independent Housing on…atoujasFebruary 4, 2015
Stories of Hope Caring for the Vulnerable: Padua Community Services Freddie Dorsey smiles with his daughter Jordan on the oak-lined boardwalk at Padua House in …atoujasFebruary 4, 2015
Stories of Hope Empowering the Voiceless – Project SAVE It’s hard to imagine that this family photo might not have been possible a short…atoujasOctober 3, 2014
Stories of Hope Fostering Peacemakers of Our Time – Isaiah 43 A group of adults and kids stand in a circle in the St. David Parish…atoujasSeptember 26, 2014