Catholic Charities and the Orleans Parish Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRO) gathered this month to commemorate the second anniversary of the New Orleans East tornado and celebrate the many residents served under the “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” recovery initiative.
Marking the close to the core phase of the initiative, the event recognized the success of LTRO and funders like Entergy New Orleans that raised over $2.9 million to help households rebuild after the Feb. 7, 2017, tornado.
Our partner organizations from the LTRO included United Way of Southeast Louisiana, Baptist Community Ministries, the City of New Orleans, Camp Restore, Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services, Greater New Orleans Foundation, HandsOn New Orleans, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Open Architecture Collaborative, New Orleans Baptist Association, NOLA Tree Project, Rebuilding Together, SBP, Second Harvest Food Bank, United Saints, Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training, and Volunteer Louisiana.
Mary Smith, Case Manager Supervisor from CCANO’s Parish and Community Ministry, served as co-chair of the Long Term Recovery committee and provided care to New Orleans East clients who lost everything. Her supervisor, Division Director Tom Costanza, said, “We are all so appreciative of Mary’s work and service in this community. Her client came up to me and basically said she was a God send.”
Learn more about our immediate and long-term relief efforts here.