Posted by Sr. Marjorie Hebert, MSC | March 2017 |
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities,
The Catholic Church in Louisiana traces its heritage of providing social services to the time of the French exploration and settlement with the arrival of the Ursuline nuns in 1727. For nearly 300 years, Catholic institutions of education, healthcare and social services have been assisting those in need.
Since its official start as Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans in 1996, CCANO has been on the front lines of urgent community needs. From Catholic Charities’ reorganization after Hurricane Katrina, to the oil spill of 2010, Hurricane Isaac, last year’s floods and the recent unfortunate tornado in New Orleans East, Catholic Charities has been a source of hope and stability in short-term and long-term recovery. This swift response in times of disaster would not be possible without the support of our community. Your trust in CCANO to be a good, moral steward of funds and volunteer time and talent is essential to our operation.
March is recognized as the official National Professional Social Work month. Catholic Charities’ team of dedicated social workers has been working around the clock since an EF-3 tornado touched down in New Orleans East on February 7, 2017. Assessing the needs of more than 300 individuals, our social workers help families navigate the complex disaster recovery process. In many ways social work professionals are living the seven principles of Catholic social teaching:
- Dignity of the Human Person
- Call to Family, Community and Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Preferential Option for and with People who are Poor
- Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
- Solidarity
- Care for God’s Creation
Let us not forget, in times where we are fortunate enough to not experience natural disaster, there are many individuals who may still be living their own personal disaster. Let us remember our Catholic social teachings all year round and remember each of our brothers’ and sisters’ dignity and recognize them as a creation of God. I thank you again for trusting us to serve this community. We see it as a privilege.
As we prepare for the Resurrection of our Lord, keep this hope in your heart and spread it to your neighbor every chance you get.
God bless you,