Posted by Sr. Marjorie Hebert, MSC | May 2016 |
During this month of May, the month of Mother’s Day and the month of Mary, I’ve reflected on what a mother’s love means. Following the Feast of Mary, Mother of God, Pope Francis offered that mothers are indispensable to society and the church; they show the world what it means to generously give of oneself, respect life, and show tenderness and moral strength in times of trouble. Pope Francis went on to add that a world without mothers would be “inhumane.”
A few weeks ago, New Orleans had the privilege of hosting a conference of Catholic Charities Diocesan Directors from around the country; 83 different Catholic Charities Directors were in attendance. These events are always so energizing. Sharing best practices, unique struggles and successes, and taking stock of the vast network of resources that we share can only bring positive growth to our individual organizations and Catholic Charities as a whole. What I was not expecting and what really struck a chord with me was in speaking with the conference staff, which put on a wonderful event, I found many hotel employees expressing gratitude for the work of Catholic Charities in the community. Some of the men and women I spoke with shared with me that they or someone they loved had been directly affected by Catholic Charities’ work.
I share this with you first to demonstrate how your support makes a tangible difference in the community. The more than 70,000 people assisted by Catholic Charities each year come to us from all walks of life, at a time when they need the help and hope that the organization provides. I also share this with you to bring full circle the idea of a mother’s love. We are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of the Lord and it is an undeniable fact that each person is some mother’s child. In Catholic Charities mission of respecting each person and serving those in need, as we are impelled to by the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, we emulate Mary in her faith and motherly love. Thank you for joining with us in this mission. Throughout this month we pray to our God’s Blessed Mother, Mary, for all the mothers, living and deceased, in our Catholic Charities community.