Published on March 27, 2013
Catholic Charities and the Office of Religious Education offer is excited to once again offer our summer service camp, SERVE, or Students Engaging in Reflective Volunteer Experiences. SERVE is an opportunity for high school students to give back to the community and achieve the service hours required by many parochial high schools.
Join us for SERVE Camp 2013! SERVE volunteers help the poor and needy at various CCANO locations in the Greater New Orleans area and on the North Shore including: Summer Witness, Ozanam Inn, Good Shepherd Summer Program, Head Start, Second Harvest Food Bank and Faith Bible Camp. Students can earn up to 40 hours per week for SERVE or 20 hours for Mini-SERVE Sessions.
Click here for info on SERVE sessions. Click here for info on SERVE sessions on the North Shore.
Click here to register online for SERVE 2013!