Published on December 18, 2013
Isaiah 43’s Mentor Training and Parenting Facilitator trainings have been scheduled for January (see below). Participants from host parishes are especially encouraged to attend, but trainings are open to interested parishioners from all parishes. To get more information on how you can bring Isaiah 43 programs and trainings to your parish please contact the Program Director, Kristina Gibson at 504-310-8772 or [email protected]
1/11/14 Mentor Training @ St. David 10-4
1/18/14 Mentor Training @ St. David 10-4
RSVP to Sr. Salvatrice 504-310-8764
1/13/14 Facilitator Training for Parenting Fellowship @ St. Peter Claver 6 p.m.
1/13/14 Facilitator Training for Parenting Fellowship @ St. Peter Claver 6 p.m.
RSVP to Deacon Allen 504-822-8059.
Isaiah 43 is a parenting and mentoring program created in partnership with the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The program is rooted in Judeo-Christian values and teachings with a mission of strengthening and supporting families to bring about a change in the culture of our society. Isaiah 43 engages youth and parents to encourage peaceful conflict resolution, skillful communication, constructive discipline, forgiveness, and leadership development. Isaiah 43’s parenting program provides support to parents of 4-13 year olds by helping parents to enhance their parenting skills and providing an opportunity for parents to fellowship with each other. Our mentoring program targets youth ages 10-18 and connects them with a caring role model. Isaiah 43 utilizes proven methods to work toward a culture that respects human life and teaches each person to respect him or herself and treat others with dignity.