Teaching children values, showing their self-worth

Published on February 12, 2015

Isaiah 43 Parenting and Mentoring Program held it’s first Peace Builders Brunch on January 31, 2015, bringing together mentors, mentees, parents and friends of the program for the first time since this program began in 2012. Check out the Clarion Herald’s coverage of the day and photos below!

Originally published on Friday, 06 February by Christine Bordelon, Clarion Herald

Building strong families and children who will be future leaders is the goal of Isaiah 43 parenting and mentoring ministry.

On Jan. 31, Isaiah 43 held its first Peacebuilders Brunch of mentees and their parents, mentors and leaders from the Catholic parishes where the program is held.
– See more at: http://clarionherald.info/clarion/index.php/news/latest-news/155-breaking-news/4174-teaching-children-values-showing-their-self-worth#sthash.KOpTRfnM.dpuf

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